Moonstone Coaching and Consulting

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Bust Your Beliefs + Get Unstuck

We only use 10% of our brains. 

If you read that statement and thought, “Duh Sara, we all know that” I’m here to share that this “fact” is a myth that has been busted numerous times over the years—humans actually use almost every part of the brain!

Some of us, even after reading the research, are going to still believe we only use 10%. Despite there being no evidence to support it and a ton of evidence indicating otherwise. 

Our beliefs are powerful. They influence what we eat, how we dress, who we hang out with, what jobs we take, and much more. 

And yet. Our beliefs aren’t always true. Most of the time, they are emotional and based on how we feel, were made to feel, or what we’ve absorbed from those around us. This is important to sit with and ponder because if we feel like we’re stuck, can’t move forward, and don’t know what to do next…often the biggest barrier to change what we want is our assumptions, fears, and doubts. 

We can get stuck in our own beliefs. 

But we each have the power to change where we’re at. In fact, we have SO much more control over creating change that we think we do.  

This week (or month or year) challenge yourself to challenge yourself:

  • Find out who you are. What’s important to you—not to your family of origin, workplace, network, or other belief system. Make a list of what’s important to solely to you. 

  • Check the beliefs you’ve adopted. Maybe your mom always said life was hard and you must work hard to get anywhere in life—so part of you believes, life is in fact hard and that if you’re not hustling, you’re not achieving. When beliefs like this go unchecked, it can mean we subconsciously make decisions that make our lives unnecessarily harder. We don’t streamline processes or invest in support. We think rest and fun can only happen after everything is done (or they aren’t allowed at all).

  • Think about what fears and doubts trip you up on a regular basis and then make time to sit with those feelings. The more time you sit and breathe through these negative beliefs, the more you train your brain and body that you don’t need to avoid or ignore them—you can handle them. 

  • Remember that just because you accept evidence and facts, it doesn’t have to change your beliefs or worldviews. It’s just allowing new information into your life. 

  • Try not to double down when you hear or learn something that conflicts with what you think—especially if what you are feeling and where you’re at in life isn’t altogether that positive for your health, wellbeing, or success (or that of others). Be open to learning and expanding your awareness of yourself and the world around you. 

Take control. Feel like yourself again or kick start a new chapter of your life by not only reconnecting your head with your heart and aligning your priorities with your values—but also by challenging any self-limiting, self-sabotaging, and self-esteem draining beliefs about who you are, your place in the world, and what you are capable of.