Have you ever wanted to do something—like really do something—but found that you just couldn’t take action? And now you’re riddled with guilt about it, or resentment towards yourself, or even feel that somehow you’ve let yourself and the whole universe down by not achieving this one goal?
Do you ever feel that:
Your life is out of your control?
You are not where you want to be?
You are often overlooked and undermined?
You lack belief in your ability or the future?
You are working harder but can't seem to make any progress?
You are frustrated because you can't seem to break through the barriers in your life?
Do you ever wish that:
You could have more confidence to do the things you really want to?
You had more self-esteem to stand up for what you believe in?
You could command respect from your colleagues?
You could impress others when they meet you?
You could communicate your ideas with ease?
What if you could do the above and:
Eliminate stress, fear, and anxiety?
Reclaim your health?
Improve your confidence?
Have more control over your life?
Learn how to avoid these problems in the future?
I have no doubt that we have all been at this exact point at some time or another. While we sometimes talk about taking immediate and total action, the truth is if your heart isn’t in alignment with what you want to accomplish, no matter what you do…it won’t work.
All of you needs to be involved to take the action necessary to achieve these outcomes. By this I mean both your head and your heart needs to be in total alignment with what you think and what you desire. Remember that you are not divided into parts. You shouldn’t separate out what you truly believe from the values of your workplace and vice versa.
You need to visualize and see yourself being successful. Most importantly, you must DO. No matter how small your steps might be, take action. Moving forward at a slow pace is far better than remaining stuck indefinitely.
Each part of our behavior (Feel, Wish, Do) has a profound cost and pay off. It also determines how we show up in life and at work. The capacity with which we achieve our goals is influenced by these three parts. Once you have all of them working for you, you can confidently move forward completely and without limits.
If you are ready to start achieving and reaching new heights of accomplishment in your life, then let’s get in touch and start putting a strategy in place.